Brand Protection

Safeguarding Juniper’s brand and customer


We safeguard Juniper's brand and customers by preventing and mitigating gray market, counterfeit, service abuse, and license abuse.


What are gray market products?

Gray market products are Juniper products diverted from Juniper-authorized channels. Gray market products are often one or more of the following:

  • Fraudulently acquired or stolen
  • Counterfeit
  • Used represented as new
  • Damaged/non-functioning

Protect your network with best practices.


What about services?

When you buy from a Juniper-authorized partner, the partner will ensure you are backed by the services and support you need, with access to the latest software updates and upgrades.  Partners are not allowed to provide services on unauthorized products and under some conditions, products may be eligible for gray market reinstatement.

Understand whether you are working with authorized resellers and service providers via the authorized Partner Locator


Looking for reassurance on your partners or products?

The Brand Protection team can assist in confirming you are working with authorized channel partners and that the products you are trusting in your network are sourced from our authorized channel and as represented in the marketplace.


Reach Juniper Brand Protection Team

If you have further questions, contact the Brand Protection team at

Submit an anonymous report via our confidential Juniper Integrity Helpline.


Additional Resources

Juniper is a member of the Alliance against gray market and counterfeit abatement (AGMA)

Customer Tipsheet

Gray Market FAQ

Juniper Gray Market Reinstatement Policy

Why buy Juniper Certified Pre-Owned (JCPO/PureWrx)